Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Read "The Monkey's Paw"

Read "The Monkey's Paw" with CD 21 mins
Literature book page 173

Organize notes in your notebook to determine objective vs subjective narration while reading.
Event                                        Narrator's Description

Listen for vocab terms while reading! 
Amiably (p. 173) Grimace (p. 175) Presumptuous (p. 175)
Doggedly (p. 175) Enthralled (p. 176) Credulity (p. 176)
Prosaic (p. 177) Avaricious (p. 177) Sinister (p. 178)
Oppressive (p. 181)

PLT work: MUG 2 sentence corrections handout due Thursday (tomorrow)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Large Group "Monkey's Paw" Pre-reading

Click here for "Monkey's Paw" Pre-reading presentation

Please take both teacher evaluation surveys on Canvas by Monday, October 5th.

music for large group

Friday, September 25, 2015

SSR Day!


Monkey's Paw vocabulary assignment is on Canvas due Tuesday 9/29.

Step 1
Sources to find good books:

-Don’t forget to read the front and back covers and a few pages to see if it’s interesting.

Step 2:  Once you have chosen a book-

-Consider the complexity.  Is it too easy/too hard?  Check the Lexile.

(Generally, sophomores should be reading at around a 1,000 level Lexile.)  

-Compare the Lexile of this new book to a book you have read in the past. Is the Lexile score in line or is it really different?  You want it to be a little above what you last read.

Complete reflection 3, and READ! :)
Funny Friday: Jeffery Dallas - Donut Pirate (This kid is a bully...)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bullying Nonfiction Stories

Reminder: Bring SSR book Friday.

Review "The Interlopers" vocab

Pick 3 round robin nonfiction bullying stories to complete the handout (back side of "The Interlopers" active reading guide). 

"The Interlopers" story ending writing assignment due by midnight to Canvas.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"The Interlopers" video and writing assignment

Make up yesterday's quiz on "The Interlopers" asap if you were absent when we read the story.

Please bring your SSR book to class Friday to fill out a book contract, complete your weekly reflection, and read quietly.

Review Canvas assignment submission process - click here

"The Interlopers" 10 min. video

Look at the 3 questions at the end of your large group notes. Discuss with a partner what you think the lesson would be in each scenario.

Writing assignment: "The Interlopers" story ending DUE BY THURSDAY 11:59 pm to Canvas.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"The Interlopers" Quiz and Discussion Notes

Reminder: "The Interlopers" vocabulary was due yesterday by midnight

"The Interlopers" Quick Reading Check 
Quiz A & B 
(Use your active reading guide handout.)

"The Interlopers" Notes Presentation

Notes handout

Monday, September 21, 2015

MUGS Quiz 1/"The Interlopers" Reading

Motivational Monday

MUGS Quiz 1 (corrected in class)
Use your sentence corrections.
Rubric click here

PLT Work: "The Interlopers" vocabulary terms due to Canvas by 11:59 pm

Begin reading "The Interlopers" by Saki with an interactive reading handout.
Click here for the audiobook.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Discuss "Sole Survivor"

  • SSR reflection #2 (conflict focus) due Friday by 11:59 pm to Canvas.
  • Interlopers vocabulary due Monday 9/21 to Canvas.
  • MUGS Quiz 1 Monday. Bring your 5 corrected sentences to class to use on the quiz.

Small group discussion: 

  1. Why would the author tell the story "Sole Survivor"? (Think "so what".)
  2. List 10 words and phrases that show author's attitude or what he believed the survivor was feeling in her survival situation. 
  3. Look at your 7-10 sentence journal paragraph on your internal conflict. Why would you tell this story to someone else? What could others learn from your experience? List possible true story lessons from the stories in your group (minimum 1 per person).
Turn in your answers at the end of class.

Funny Friday: Craig vs. Wild, Craig Winter Survival

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Interlopers Intro

  • PLT work for Friday: Read the short story "Sole Survivor" (nonfiction) and pull 3 quotes from the story that show the author's attitude towards the survival situation. Be ready to use these quotes in Friday's small group discussion. 
  • SSR reflection #2 (conflict focus) due Friday by 11:59 pm to Canvas.

Check 7-10 sentence notebook writing prompt. Share your stories in
small groups.

MUG 1 sentences due check for completion, and correct as a group.

"The Interlopers" by Saki introductions

Setting: The Carpathian Mountains

Feuding characters: Georg Znayem & Ulrich Von Gradvitz

Theme: Bullies and how to deal with the

enemy; a change of heart.

Stories shared by teachers

Deprey's examples:

  • 1st grade teeth knocked out
  • 2nd grade "the ugly new kid"
  • 3rd grade "war with the neighbors"
  • 5th grade "wicked children pranks"
  • Middle schoolers are just mean...

PLT work: "The Interlopers" vocabulary (assignment on Canvas today) is due Monday .

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Boar Hunt vs. Delicious Death Discussion

  • PLT work for Thursday: Notebook writing prompt 7-10 sentences on a time when you had an internal conflict and 5 sentence corrections on your MUGS handout from yesterday.

  • PLT work for Friday: Read the short story "Sole Survivor" (nonfiction) and pull 3 quotes from the story that show the author's attitude towards the survival situation. Be ready to use these quotes in Friday's small group discussion. 
  • SSR reflection #2 (conflict focus) due Friday by 11:59 pm to Canvas.

Click here - Discuss side 2 of the handout from yesterday's large group.

"Sole Survivor" a nonfiction story by Larry Kaniut

Click here for terms to know for this story (scatter game)

Click here for an article on why people hunt Dall sheep in Alaska.

Chugach Mountains near Anchorage, Alaska: Google maps
Eklutna Lake: Google Earth
Trivia: Cari's (main character) was a flying family who knew a lot about planes. This is important to understanding how she may have felt when experiencing a plane crash.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Third Tuesday Large Group

RIGHT NOW: Please begin large group by making corrections to the sentences on the MUGS handout provided on your way in. Bring to Thursday's lab.

Other Reminders:

  • Thursday notebook writing prompt 7-10 sentences on a time when you had an internal conflict.
  • SSR reflection #2 due Friday by 11:59 pm to Canvas.

"The Boar Hunt" vs. "Delicious Death" and citing direct quotes model presentation.

Click here for the handout that goes with today's notes.

PLT work: Read the short story "Sole Survivor" (nonfiction) and pull 3 quotes from the story that show the author's attitude towards the survival situation. Be ready to use these quotes in Friday's small group discussion. 
Click here to read it!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Lab (TOR class)

Motivational Monday 

Review handout for "The Boar Hunt" 

Notebook Writing Prompt:
Write 7-10 sentences about a time when you had an internal conflict (person vs. self). 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Second Friday Small Group

Fish bowl discussion graded: ASK 1


SSR reflection due on Canvas by 11:59.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Second Thursday Lab

Literary Term "Pre-Quiz" handout due to Canvas today by 11:59 pm.

SSR Book Reflection due Friday by 11:50 pm to Canvas.

Review "The Boar Hunt" vocabulary terms (assignment collected Tuesday 9/8) and literary terms

Share personal stories: What experiences have completely changed your opinion about a person, place, or thing?

Read aloud "The Boar Hunt" in class (red lit book page 156). Finish reading during your PLT time.

While you read: Write down at least 3

questions about the story that are NOT yes/no answers for a fish bowl 

discussion in small group tomorrow.

Example: What was the most interesting part of the story for you?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Second Wednesday Small Group

SSR Book Check

Reflection due Friday to Canvas

Literary terms video (12 mins)

Lit Term "Pre-Quiz" handout

"The Boar Hunt" by Jose Vasconcelos pre-reading information (red literature book page 156) What experiences have completely changed your opinion about a person, place, or thing?

Setting: Google map of Peru

Boar hunting video: What do you notice about the boars? What do you notice about the way they are hunted? Based on the video, how would you hunt wild boars?

Fun Fact: Wild boars range from 220-550 pounds.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Second Tuesday Large Group



  • Syllabus handout in teacher basket (10 points)
  • Boar hunt vocab (18 points to Canvas)
  • SSR book check in your E10 class tomorrow!
  • Literary Term pretest/review on Canvas due Thursday, Sept. 10th.

A history of storytelling:

Narrative unit question: Where do we find stories today?

"The Boar Hunt" story intro. question: Have you ever had an experience with someone or something that completely changed your opinion on that person, place, or thing?

Teacher example answers if time.

Friday, September 4, 2015

First Friday Small Group

Reminder PLT work: "Boar Hunt" vocabulary on Canvas


Discuss requirements for the first semester book project.

You will have weekly book reflection questions on Canvas that will be due on Fridays starting next week. Your reflections are a reference guide for yourself and a way to show your teachers that you are making progress reading during PLT.

Go to the HUB to find a book that you will enjoy reading.

Book recommendations for the
semester project. See a Facebook page of ideas.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Thursday Lab

Seating chart

Expectations: student/teacher/classroom post-it activity

Crumple game

PLT Work: "Boar Hunt" vocabulary sentences and pictures with explanations DUE TUES 9/8 to Canvas

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Small Group

  1. Attendance/Seats. What are you thankful for?
  2. Syllabus reminder (Complete for 10 points by Tuesday large group.) Kleenex or Hand sanitizer = 10 Raider bucks (up to 3)
  3. Pop quiz - teacher questions answered on loose leaf paper