Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Monday, June 6, 2016

There can only be ONE champion of the world. Make it YOU.
Click here for the rubric.
Final challenge event assignments. Make sure your name is there!
Click here for the map of events to know what you are doing.
* * *
The Final Challenge TODAY is worth 100 points towards your final grade.
Compete in small groups with your Monday lab (TOR class) to answer questions and problem solve using English skills used all year: speaking, listening, team work, communication, reading comprehension sentence combining, MLA citations, and essay writing.
Highest scoring group will be announced at the end of the day and will earn extra credit and breakfast on Tuesday, June 7.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Movie review for the final challenge.
Watch from 1:27 "I could've been in the movies."

The Semester 2 SSR Project and any late work is due TODAY, June 3! A rubric is attached to the assignment for you to review.

Please return copies of the book Of Mice and Men asap. 

The Final Challenge assignment is on Canvas!
Be ready to complete Monday!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Movie review for the final challenge.
Watch from 34 mins. to 1:27 "I could've been in the movies."
The Semester 2 SSR Project and any late work is due Friday, June 3! A rubric is attached to the assignment for you to review.

Please return copies of the book Of Mice and Men asap. 

The Final Challenge schedule for June 6 was sent out via Canvas announcements.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Movie review for the final challenge.
Watch from 10 mins. to 34 mins.
The Semester 2 SSR Project and any late work is due Friday, June 3! A rubric is attached to the assignment for you to review.

Please return copies of the book Of Mice and Men asap. 

The Final Challenge schedule for June 6 was sent out via Canvas announcements.


Friday, May 27, 2016


Work Day!
Check in with Mrs. Deprey and Ms. Wampler for Raider bucks!

Chapter 5/6 assignments due tonight!

Reminder: 3 for 3 deal

Funny Friday

Thursday, May 26, 2016


SSR project info.

3-for-3 Deal

Work Day!

Reminder: All Chapter 5/6 stuff due tomorrow at midnight!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



Sign up for one "Final Challenge" event outside your TOR's door with your Monday class BY FRIDAY MAY 27, OR YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED AN EVENT.

Symbolism of card playing in book: 
Euchre = togetherness of men (combining the deck)

Solitaire = loneliness (separating the deck)

Each student will get a card from a deck with ONE of the questions below on the back.

Once you have your card, pair up with another student with a different question, and verbally brainstorm what you could say about your card for 5-10 mins.

Large circle: Go around, and share thoughts that you discussed with your partner.


For 15 points in discussion thanks to the respectful behavior in mods 11 and 12 yesterday:
1. Why do hurting people often hurt others?

2. Is it true that everything we judge in others is something in ourselves that we don’t want to face?

3. Is it true that nobody will remember that you are pretty and talented, if you are mean?

4. Is prejudice/discrimination “just a part of American life”?

5. Do isolated situations have to lead to prejudices? Why couldn’t the outcasts band together in chapter 4? Explain.

6. How do we avoid catching or spreading “the virus”?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016


Work time!
 Check in with Mrs. Deprey or Ms. Wampler for a Raider buck!
Pulaski Community School District
1 Raiderbuck for every assignment completed in Chapter 4! Save up for the final drawing this year!

Funny Friday video: Gold Digger (1 min.)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Violence Discussion
Large group presentation from yesterday
5 minute silent brainstorm on Quotes.

Discussion time: 15-20 mins.
**In order to earn full points, you must talk 3 times: make 2 comments, and ask one question when someone else makes a comment**

Reminder: Chapter 4 assignments due Friday!

Monday, May 16, 2016


Motivational Monday: Final Challenge Video 3

25 minutes of SSR with your choice book.
Choose a question than you have not yet chosen, and respond in 5-7 sentences on Canvas  -- 10 points
Final SSR project coming soon!

1. Of Mice and Men chapter 3 assignments were due last week Friday, and chapter 4 assignments are due this week Friday.

2. Also, remember to speak with your TOR today if you may be bothered by a large group about violence tomorrow. We do not want anyone to have a traumatic experience!

3. Thank you for continuing to be respectful about what happens after chapter 3 for people who have not read it yet. If you know more, please keep it to yourself.

Friday, May 13, 2016


Work time!
Check in with Ms. Wampler or Mrs. Deprey on your progress!

Goal for the day: finish all Chapter 3 work, print out Chapter 4 study guide
Reminder: All Chapter 3 work due today at midnight!

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Please do not ruin any parts of the book for anyone else! If you are reading ahead, please only talk about the goal chapter for the week. Next week, we will be talking about chapter 3. DO NOT DISCUSS WITH OR ANNOUNCE TO ANY CLASS WHAT HAPPENS BEYOND CHAPTER 3. IT'S RUDE.
If you can not exhibit self control, you and your Monday mods will be severely penalized with a loss of points and privileges.
Thank you for your courtesy.

Work Day!

Chapter 3 vocab, connection, study guide and quiz due tomorrow at midnight!

But...What if I'm done with Chapter 3?!
*work on Chapter 4 stuff! Make sure you mark Chapter 3 study guide as "done" so that Chapter 4 assignments are available!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


5 minute silent brainstorm on discussion questions
**Don't write on sheet! It's just to guide your thoughts!**
Listen to this playlist while we brainstorm
Discussion time: 15 mins
**In order to earn full points, you must talk 3 times: make 2 comments, and ask one question when someone else makes a comment**

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Of Mice and Men 
Theme #3: Companionship

Song for passing time “Lean On Me”

Monday, May 9, 2016


Motivational Monday: Final Challenge Week 3

Choose 1 question, and respond in 5-7 sentences on Canvas -- 10 points

Reminder: Chapter 3 assignments due on Friday!

Friday, May 6, 2016


Work Day! 
Reminder: Vocab, Connection, Reading Check, and Study Guide due today!

Check progress with Ms. Wampler or Mrs. Deprey

Funny Friday: Mother's Day

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Work Day!

Chapter 2 vocab, connection, study guide and quiz due tomorrow at midnight!

But...What if I'm done with Chapter 2?!
*work on Chapter 3 stuff! Make sure you mark Chapter 2 study guide as "done" so that Chapter 3 assignments are available!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Of Mice and Men Theme #2
The Predatory Nature of Man: Strong vs. Weak

Click here for the presentation.

Song 1 "Predator"
Song 2 "Animal I Have Become"

Monday, May 2, 2016

SSR Day 2

Motivational Monday video: Final Challenge

SSR day 2
Check books for points if you didn't have one last time.
Choose 1 question, and respond in 5-7 sentences on Canvas -- 10 points

Friday, April 29, 2016


Take Chapter 1 Quiz on Scantron!!
Reminder: Turn in study guide from Ch. 1

Complete the Ch. 1 connection assignment on Canvas.

Reminder: Ch. 1 vocab assignment due by 11:59 tonight! Submit a shareable link of your doc to Canvas.

Funny Friday: Looney Tunes Yeti (2 mins)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ch. 1 OMM

Character sketch papers were submitted to Turnitin.com last Friday.

If you were absent yesterday, please pick up a handout of questions from Rhianna's music video "American Oxygen" and turn in your handout from Tuesday's large group for 20 points.

Ch. 1 as a class w/ recording (28:05 minutes)
complete study guide by end of hour

Vocab assignment posted to Canvas, due Friday, April 29 at 11:59 pm

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

American Dream

(5 mins) Stamp & check answers from Tues handout (20 points -- 5 per quad)

Watch American Oxygen by Rihanna (5:20)

(10 mins) Class Discussion: What is the American Dream? What does the American Dream mean to us today? 

(10 mins) Answer questions on exit ticket while listening to this playlist (on shuffle throughout day)

Discussion with time that's left

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Yeeeehaaaw! Welcome, migrant worker, to the great city of Soledad, California. We are so sorry you have been displaced by the 1933 dust storms, but we hope you enjoy your work balin’ hay and tillin’ the fields jus’ as well here.

As you move from farm to farm, please fill out the following information on the notes handout given to you (matching quadrant colors) as you learn more about people you may see and work with on the ranch:

  1. Get to know characters and their American dreams by looking at the pictures and reading what is on the back of the paper plates provided.
  2. Fill in the blanks for themes listed at the ends of each row.
  3. List all items in the tote as they are significant to plot and characters.
  4. Please be respectful of items, keep them together in the tote, and leave them there.
  5. Also be respectful of your fellow migrant workers and bosses.
Thank you!
If you are wearing a cowboy hat today, sign the extra credit list at the end of the mod for 10 points.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Today's Schedule
Submit your Julius Caesar paper to Turnitin.com for up to 100 points! This is where your final draft will be graded. 

No submission here = 0/100 on Canvas/Skyward

You DO NOT have to create an account if you have submitted before. Enter your email. If you forgot your password, reset it.

Funny Friday: "My Heart Will Go On", Worst Choir Ever?

Class ID:
Deprey mods 3-4 = 11028070
Deprey mods 11-12 = 11028085
Deprey mods 13-14 = 11028096

Wampler mods 1/2 class code: 11027875
Wampler mods 5/6 class code: 11027899
Wampler mods 9/10 class code: 11027907


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Speed Dating Revision

First 5-10 minutes: 
Create Easy Bib for Works Cited Page using this information:
Title: Manga Shakespeare: Julius Caesar Paperback 
Publishing Date:
19 Jun 2008 

Speed Dating Revision!
After you have completed all "dates", make edits to your paper and check in with your teacher!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Revise your essay for variety in sentence structure.

Make sure you have at least 1 of the following types of sentences in your essay. Highlight each one in your essay for the final draft. There should be a total of 6.

Click here for the example essay.

Click here for the large group handout of sentence examples. Check them off as you complete them so you know what you have left.

Click here for a sentence checklist.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


A Janitor's 10 Lessons on Leadership video story

Sentence structure tips for tomorrow's revision

Exit Response: List the 10 lessons, and star the 3 you believe are the MOST important.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Motivational Monday video: Justin Timberlake Innovator Award Speech (start at 5:15) "Anyone who feels 'weird or different' your critics don't matter."

SSR day 1
Check books for points.
Assign books to those without a book.

Choose 1 question, and respond in 5-7 sentences on Canvas -- 10 points

Friday, April 15, 2016


Complete rough draft and self-revision checklist TODAY by 11:59 pm & submit to Canvas- worth 60 points 

Today: Continue drafting and editing. Make sure all proper nouns are capitalized (names, places, title of the play), check that there are periods at the end of each sentence and that you have cited all of your quotes!

Get a NEW SSR book you would enjoy reading for the remainder of the quarter. You will earn points for having it in class on Monday.

Funny Friday: Remi Gallard Mario Cart (dedicated to all you drivers out there)

Alistair Mathys selfie

Displaying FullSizeRender.jpg

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Make a copy of your outline document, and change the name from "outline" to "draft".
Turn the new doc into FIVE paragraphs by deleting the examples and labels.

Complete the Self-Revision Checklist when you are finished

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Outline due today!

Outline due today!
**Need to have SSR book by Monday FOR POINTS*
Write the conclusion together - click here for the video instructions (9 mins)

Submit a shareable link of your outline doc to Canvas and complete outline by midnight