Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Turn in Final Personal Narrative

THE FINAL DRAFT IS DUE - 100 points:
  1. You will turn in your final link to Canvas and
Class ID:
Deprey mods 1-2 = 11028068
Deprey mods 3-4 = 11028070
Deprey mods 11-12 = 11028085
Deprey mods 13-14 = 11028096

Wampler mods 1-2 = 11027875
Wampler mods 5-6 = 11027899
Wampler mods 9-10 = 11027907

  1. Check MLA formatting (especially header and heading).
  2. Review rubric requirements.
  3. Read your paper out loud one last time before turning it in to catch any confusing word choice and/or punctuation errors.
  4. What is "power of the pen"?
Each day late - 10 points

Click here for Mrs. Deprey's revised story.

Funny Wednesday videos: Jimmy Kimmel Candy (3:55), Halloween Scare Prank (4:14)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Word Crimes: Edit All The Things!

Reminder: Your self-revision checklist link should be on Canvas. Due date extended to tomorrow at 3:00.

Remember this? Hyperbole, figurative language, and dialogue notes. Use this!

  1. You will turn in your final link to Canvas and
  2. Check MLA formatting (especially header and heading).
  3. Review rubric requirements.
  4. Read your paper out loud one last time before turning it in to catch any confusing word choice and/or punctuation errors.
  5. What is "power of the pen"?
  6. Each day late - 10 points

Click here for Mrs. Deprey's revised story.

Word crimes presentation & practice

Monday, October 26, 2015

How do I revise?

Motivational Monday video: The Power of Words

A complete draft of your story should be on Canvas right now (checked during the MUG quiz today).

How do I revise?

Please complete the self-revision checklist on Canvas for large group tomorrow. Especially make sure that you ADD HYPERBOLE!

Take the MUG 3 Quiz, and turn it in with your sentences stapled underneath.
When everyone is finished, we will pause to correct the quiz before you go. Use THIS rubric.

Friday, October 23, 2015

FINISH drafting your story.

No SSR reflection this week.

FINISH drafting your story. Have a minimum of 1 1/2 pages by the end of class today for another 20 points. Your teachers will be on your Google docs live today while you are working. 

Click here for the example stories from Tuesday.

If you finish typing your rough draft today, GO BACK and add a TITLE, SENSORY DETAILS, and DIALOGUE.

*Make sure your paper is approaching 2-3 pages double-spaced with a 4-point heading, a 2-point header, and a title. MLA format is shown below:


  • What is the lesson?
  • Where is your lesson?
  • Is it direct or implied?
  • How can you incorporate dialogue?
  • How will you conclude at this same point? 
ONLY IF YOU DID NOT WEDNESDAY: Submit your draft as a "shareable link" to the Canvas assignment by the end of class today!

Completed rough draft will be due Monday, October 26.

Revised and edited final draft due Wednesday, October 28.

Funny Friday video: Fail Army - This is like your rough draft. We make mistakes; sometimes we fall on our faces, and that’s why we need to revise!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Continue drafting your story.

Stamp for completion and correct MUG 3 sentences in class. QUIZ MONDAY!

Continue drafting your story. Have a minimum of one page by the end of class today for another 20 points. Your teachers will be on your Google docs live today while you are working. Click here for the example stories from Tuesday.

If you finish typing your rough draft today, GO BACK and add a TITLE, SENSORY DETAILS, and DIALOGUE.

*Make sure your paper is approaching 2-3 pages double-spaced with a 4-point heading, a 2-point header, and a title. MLA format is shown below:


  • What is the lesson?
  • Where is your lesson?
  • Is it direct or implied?
  • How can you incorporate dialogue?
  • How will you conclude at this same point? 
ONLY IF YOU DID NOT YESTERDAY: Submit your draft as a "shareable link" to the Canvas assignment by the end of class today!

Full rough draft will be due Monday, October 26.

Final draft due Wednesday, October 28.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Draft the exposition of your story

Review example stories from large group.
Remember the first lines of SSR books.
Remember example writing from Monday's "Speed Dating" reading.

Create a new Google doc.
MLA Format is shown below:

Draft the exposition of your story. Introduce setting and characters. Goal = 1/2 page double spaced.


  • What is the lesson?
  • Where is your lesson?
  • Is it direct or implied?
  • How can you incorporate dialogue?
  • How will you conclude at this same point? 
Submit your draft as a "shareable link" to the Canvas assignment by the end of class today!

Full rough draft will be due Monday, October 26.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Model Drafting with Deprey: Let's Make a Deal

Reminder: Plot diagrams were collected yesterday.

You will have the chance to win PRIZES just by luck! You can help choose the story, guess what happens next, or help to add sensory details, but don't get ZONKED, or you GET NOTHING.

Model Drafting - Mrs. Deprey’s stories

Click here to begin making deals on the stories!

    Click here for a completely blank doc. :)

    MUG 3 sentence corrections due Thursday.

    Get your handout at the end of class today!

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    Reading Workshop: Speed Dating

    Motivational Monday Video: To The Glory

    Plot Diagram due to basket beginning of class.

    Reading Workshop: Speed Dating Activity
    -finding good examples from good writers of sensory detail description and dialogue

    Narrative hook: How do I start?
    -Read the 1st sentence of your SSR book out loud to the class.

    Start your story in your notebook with a hook and strong sensory details.

    Friday, October 16, 2015

    SSR Reflection 6

    Use at least 3 lit terms in your SSR reflection today, and underline them.

    Complete your personal narrative plot diagram (one of three options). Print the one you wish to use. Due Monday to your TOR.

    Read quietly.

    Funny Friday: Voicemail Accident (3:18)
    This man was leaving a voicemail for his boss to let him know he was going to be late for a meeting when an accident occurred right in front of him. While still on the phone, he relayed the hilarious events so his boss could visualize it.

    Please bring your SSR book Monday for an in-class activity.

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    Prewriting Personal Narrative

    Continue the page in your notebook for Deprey "writing territories"

    We will finish brainstorming 4 more topics for stories today. 2 minute timer

    Pick a personal story.

    Free write a 7-10 sentence paragraph summary of your story in your notebook. You are NOT writing the full story, just a summary.

    Did you take the Buzzfeed quiz on Canvas?

    Based off your results on the Buzzfeed Quiz, outline in detail using one of three graphic organizers:
    1. The Boar Hunt Plot Diagram
    2. The Interlopers Plot Diagram
    3. The Monkey's Paw Plot Diagram
     Checked Monday with your TOR if you work well today.

    Review the rubric. Note what is worth double points.

    SSR day tomorrow. Bring your book.

    Wednesday, October 14, 2015

    Brainstormin' Personal Narrative

    Large group review writing skills:

    • Create mood (candles, dark, music, glow sticks, etc.).
    • Keep your reader's attention with suspense (lottery for suckers gave a little bit of info. spread out over time).
    • Spice up your writing with figurative language: hyperbole, simile, metaphor, sensory details, and dialogue (spicy chilli smells/tastes = the strongest senses connected to memory).

    Today: Brainstormin'

    Please start a new page in your notebook for Deprey "writing territories"
    Wampler "writing territories"

    We will be speed brainstorming stories today.
    2 minute timer

    Take Buzzfeed quiz on Canvas!
    Pick a personal story to outline in your English lab class tomorrow.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    Writing Narratives Using Hyperbole, Figurative Language, and Dialogue

    This chilli tastes like fire.
    Reminder: If you missed class yesterday, you missed the unit test. See your TOR to reschedule asap!

    Chilli anyone?

    The Hyperbole and other figurative language notes (This is the best presentation ever! See notes handout for key points to write down.)

    Did you bring an electronic device today?

    Take the Buzzfeed quiz to find out which short story you should model your personal narrative off!


    Monday, October 12, 2015

    Short Story Unit Test

    Motivational Monday video "Free Listening"

    Short Story Unit Test on Canvas

    *65 multiple choice questions

    Silent reading/work time until everyone is finished.

    Please bring an electronic device to large group.

    Friday, October 9, 2015

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    Short Story Review Game

    Short Story Review Game: Around-the-room review (have plot diagram on screen during game)

    Unit Test Monday!
    65 multiple choice questions

    SSR reflection on Canvas (10 points)

    Review all terms:
    Boar Hunt vocabulary
    Interlopers vocabulary
    Monkey's Paw vocabulary

    Please read quietly when you are finished with everything.

    Funny Thursday video if you work well today. :)

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Vocabulary Review Game Short Story Unit

    Short Story Unit Test Monday!

    Reminder: Please take the teacher surveys for both Miss Wampler and Mrs. Deprey by Friday.

    Vocab Review Game (colored paper or sticks needed)

    Vocabulary matching practice handout.

    Tuesday, October 6, 2015

    Suspense Writing


    What is one thing the ghost did in the story "The Haunted Hotel"?

    Watch people getting scared while we collect answers. (START AT 26 SEC.)

    Suspense is one of the BEST ways to keep people's attention!

    Lottery winner clue.

    Discuss Monkey's Paw Analysis assignmentForeshadowed Event & Evaluating Writing Style

    Lottery winner clue.

    Quotes of suspense from "The Haunted Hotel" fill in the blanks to the handout provided. Click here.

    Lottery winner prize awarded

    Monday, October 5, 2015

    MUGS 2 Quiz/Monkey's Paw Continued

    Short story unit test is Monday, October 12.
    An SSR reflection was due last Friday.
    Please complete the teacher surveys on Canvas for your teachers by the end of the day today. Thanks!

    Motivational Monday video

    MUGS 2 quiz use sentence corrections
    Correct quizzes in class. Click here for the rubric.

    The Monkey’s Paw Analysis handout on Canvas under assignments.

    Read “The Haunted Hotel”, a nonfiction story, for Tuesday's large group.

    Friday, October 2, 2015


    Funny Friday: Ellen haunted house 2015Review "The Monkey's Paw" vocabulary terms. Short story unit test is Monday, October 12.

    SSR reflection on Canvas:
    This week, take a character, event, theme, or other relevant characteristic from your SSR book and compare it with an element from one of the short stories we've read in class ("The Boar Hunt", "The Interlopers", "The Monkey's Paw").  What are their similarities?  What are their differences?  

    Read quietly when you are finished.

    Reminder: MUGS 2 Quiz Monday. Bring your corrected sentences to class.

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    MUG 2/Monkey Paw Quiz/Movie/Journal

    "The Monkey's Paw" reading comprehension quiz (handout). Correct quiz in class.

    Watch “The Monkey's Paw” movie (12:45).

    Correct MUG 2 sentences in class.

    Stamp handouts before going over answers.

    CANVAS Journal Assignment 7-10 sentences - What is one person/place/thing you probably take for granted? Explain why. How could you better learn to appreciate this?

    DUE BY 11:59 ON CANVAS

    Please take both teacher evaluation surveys on Canvas by Monday, October 5th.