Friday, October 23, 2015

FINISH drafting your story.

No SSR reflection this week.

FINISH drafting your story. Have a minimum of 1 1/2 pages by the end of class today for another 20 points. Your teachers will be on your Google docs live today while you are working. 

Click here for the example stories from Tuesday.

If you finish typing your rough draft today, GO BACK and add a TITLE, SENSORY DETAILS, and DIALOGUE.

*Make sure your paper is approaching 2-3 pages double-spaced with a 4-point heading, a 2-point header, and a title. MLA format is shown below:


  • What is the lesson?
  • Where is your lesson?
  • Is it direct or implied?
  • How can you incorporate dialogue?
  • How will you conclude at this same point? 
ONLY IF YOU DID NOT WEDNESDAY: Submit your draft as a "shareable link" to the Canvas assignment by the end of class today!

Completed rough draft will be due Monday, October 26.

Revised and edited final draft due Wednesday, October 28.

Funny Friday video: Fail Army - This is like your rough draft. We make mistakes; sometimes we fall on our faces, and that’s why we need to revise!