Friday, January 29, 2016

2nd paragraph

Marijuana paragraph writing continued from Thursday

Write paragraph 2 by choosing a side of the argument.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Persuasive Techniques

Persuasive Techniques Notes due Tomorrow

Make up Object Speech

SSR book and break discussion if no speeches

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Last SSR Day, go to Library if time

Last day to present SSR Presentations!

When finished, go to the Hub to preview books for next semester!

Outlines due to Canvas tonight by 11:59!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SSR Recommendations

1 minute Object Speech on Thursday
Must turn in outline when you present!

 You need to present on Wednesday in small group if you haven't gone yet!

Prezi on SSR Recommendations
**Must read 2 or more books 2nd semester**

Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 2 of SSR Presentation

Day 2 presentations of SSR projects 2 minutes per person (random name selection)

*Students who are not prepared will lose 20% off their final grade and will present FIRST on Wednesday this week.

Motivational Monday: I have a dream speech

Friday, January 15, 2016

Don't say um!

Speaking and listening don’t say “um (or any other filler words)” in-class activity

30 second prep time

Talk for one minute

10 points participation

Funny Friday vid “Interpretive Rapping”

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Impromptu Speeches Day 1

Finish TKM movie (5  mins)
Speaking and listening improv activity - 10 points participation

Large Group Quick Brainstorm: What are some things you have been doing this week?

What are you doing? (demo video)

RULES: verbs may not repeat and hesitation for more than 3 seconds = OUT

Open blank Google doc, and list verbs used

Round robin around the room until there is one winner. Keep track of people who are “out”.

Mini speech assignment work time -Describe an object at home, and explain how it represents you in 3 ways - present in 1 week (Grades will go on Quarter 3)
Bring the object or a picture of it if it is too big.

(on Canvas)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Continue TKM


  • Make up any missing work by the end of this week so it can be graded on time.
  • SSR presentations will continue next week Monday. If you were not prepared and called on, you will lose 10 points from your final score.
Continue To Kill a Mockingbird after Atticus leaves courtroom (1:43:00)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Continue To Kill a Mockingbird movie


  • Make up any missing work by the end of this week so it can be graded on time.
  • SSR presentations will continue next week Monday. If you were not prepared and called on, you will lose 10 points from your final score.
Continue To Kill a Mockingbird at Tom Robinson's testimony in court.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Presentation Day 1 of 2

Present SSR projects today and next week.

Review 2-3 minute over/under time deductions. Select a student to time speeches.

Hand out rubric. Look at requirements. Write your name on it. Turn it back in. Random name selection to present.


  • You will also be graded 30 points based on quality listening skills. Please do not distract or use tech devices during presentations.
  • If your name is selected today, and you are not prepared, you will lose 10% of the points possible and also present first next week.
  • Anyone who does not present today will present NEXT WEEK MONDAY!

Motivational Monday video (if time): 

Computer programmer teaches homeless to code. Lesson = Don't judge anyone. You never know what could happen with kindness. (5:42)

Tomorrow we will continue the TKM video.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Finish your SSR presentation

To Kill a Mockingbird movie (start at 1 hour 10 minutes Heck Tate testimony)

Finish your SSR presentation while referring to past Canvas SSR reflections. DUE TODAY AT 11:59 PM TO CANVAS. Go to: Canvas - Assignments - Past Assignments - Submission Details to see what you wrote.

Here is another example of a presentation.

Click here for information about grading and what we read in class.

Friday video: Ping Pong Trick Shots

Thursday, January 7, 2016

SSR presentation work day 2 of 3

To Kill a Mockingbird movie (20 minutes - 1 hour 10 minutes)

Continue your SSR presentation while referring to past Canvas SSR reflections. Go to: Canvas - Assignments - Past Assignments - Submission Details to see what you wrote.

Here is another example of a presentation.

Click here for information about grading and what we read in class.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

SSR Presentation Work Day 1 of 3

To Kill a Mockingbird movie (first 20 minutes)

Begin your SSR presentation while referring to past Canvas SSR reflections. Go to: Canvas - Assignments - Past Assignments - Submission Details to see what you wrote.

Click here for information about grading and what we read in class.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Public Speaking and Presentations

Public Speaking and Presentations
How to avoid this...
Reminder: SSR project presentation work days begin tomorrow. Due Friday 1/8/16 by 11:59 pm.

We need a male and female volunteer for a few minutes who would like to earn extra credit.

Video: Compost-Fueled Cars
What works and doesn't work about this speech?

Video: Using Social Media to Cover for Lack of Original Thought
What works and doesn't work about this speech?

Monday, January 4, 2016

SSR Project Introduction

How was your break? Survey activity.

Share Stories/Reconnect Activity

Motivational Monday video

SSR Project Introduction
Presentation Template
Presentation Example

  • You will have work time on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week while we simultaneously show To Kill a Mockingbird in class.
  • Presentations are due by 11:59 pm this Friday to Canvas!
  • Presentations will take place Monday, January 11 and Monday, January 18.
SSR reflection 9 for real on Canvas 
(last one for this semester) - 10 points