Monday, January 11, 2016

Presentation Day 1 of 2

Present SSR projects today and next week.

Review 2-3 minute over/under time deductions. Select a student to time speeches.

Hand out rubric. Look at requirements. Write your name on it. Turn it back in. Random name selection to present.


  • You will also be graded 30 points based on quality listening skills. Please do not distract or use tech devices during presentations.
  • If your name is selected today, and you are not prepared, you will lose 10% of the points possible and also present first next week.
  • Anyone who does not present today will present NEXT WEEK MONDAY!

Motivational Monday video (if time): 

Computer programmer teaches homeless to code. Lesson = Don't judge anyone. You never know what could happen with kindness. (5:42)

Tomorrow we will continue the TKM video.