Monday, February 29, 2016

SSR Day 4

Reminder: Candy Bar Debate chart due Tuesday, March 1

SSR week 3

REPLY thoughtfully in complete sentences to 2 different posts from last week for 5 points. Then WRITE a 5-7 sentence paragraph that answers these questions for 5 more points: What would you ask the author? What do you predict will happen next in your book? Or what predictions did you make while reading?

THE FINAL DRAFT IS DUE - 100 points: Your draft was turned in to Canvas. Now, complete

Only create an account if you changed classes with your TOR or your TOR teacher!

Class ID:

Deprey mods 1-2 = 11028068
Deprey mods 3-4 = 11028070
Deprey mods 11-12 = 11028085
Deprey mods 13-14 = 11028096


Submit final essay to
>>Wampler info on Canvas in Announcements

  1. Check MLA formatting (especially header and heading).
  2. Review requirements.
  3. Read your paper one last time before turning it in.
Each day late - 10 points


Persuasive Techniques Test Friday! (open notes)

Friday, February 26, 2016

Mugs 5 Quiz

Reminder: Candy Bar Debate chart due Tuesday, March 1

MUGS 5 Quiz
Correct in class
Edit final draft BY MONDAY using this handout

Submit to Monday as a class.

Funny Friday: Funny Talking Animals

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Candy bar research

Candy bar debate
research chart assigned -- due Tuesday during online learning day

Assign sides
Choose leaders (spokesperson)

Sample the products for “scientific research”.

Debate is next week Thursday!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Self-Revision Checklist, Mugs 5

Conclusion due today!

Revise essay (click here for checklist) time sensitive, complete in class

MUGS 5 sentences due Thursday (hard copies given in class)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Great Debate Introduction

This week you will conduct research for an EPIC debate next week in your Thursday lab and revise statistical data for your own global issue.

The Great Debate (trailer video)

When numbers lie (5:26 video)

Conclusion due tomorrow
Rough Draft worth 60 points!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Complete conclusion today

Complete your conclusion today. Summarize your main points again. Do not forget to emphasize that this is a global issue. Emphasize your hook (shocking fact) again, and give your audience a simple way to act on the issue to make a change.

Example conclusion for the marijuana debate:

     Overall, the world cannot put another drug legally in the hands of consumers if more than half risk addiction, mental health damage, and/or life-threatening consequences. In the event that marijuana is made legal, global drug trafficking would not disappear but lead to harder drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or laced marijuana on a larger scale. Legal problems would not be reduced, but increased, and there would be more driving accidents and fatalities. More jobs will be lost and employers will be in more of a crisis to find reliable employees in a highly competitive global market. Ultimately, anyone can join the fight by going to and complete the brief Google form to get involved in the movement called “stop pot 2016”. If THC content in marijuana really has jumped from 4 to 30 percent since the 1980s, there is no time to waste.


Funny Fri “Clint Gets Stuck in his Seatbelt”

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Body 1 work time

Body 1 work time 
(review marijuana handout paragraph 2 for example)

Check introductions for 10 points today

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Converting Outline to Rough Draft


Open your Global Issue Outline on Google Docs, and wait for further instructions!

Reminder: Introduction paragraph due tomorrow in small group! Submit a shareable link to Canvas!

Monday, February 15, 2016

SSR Day 3

SSR Day 3!

First mod: Read

Second mod:  Reply thoughtfully in complete sentences to 2 different posts from last week for 5 points. Then, write a 5-7 sentence paragraph that compares/contrasts your life to events or conflicts in the book for 5 points.

Motivational Monday video: Kids on Love

Friday, February 12, 2016


ACT Prep 1 Quiz: Sentence Structure Quiz on Canvas (5 sentences worth 2 points each). Use your notes.

Step 1: Open your working bibliography "project" on Add sources as needed while working.

Step 2: Open your copy of the Google doc outline for the global issue debate. If you did not create one yesterday, see the Canvas assignments to make a copy, or click here to make a copy for yourself.
Step 3: Outline your ideas, citing facts and statistics, as much as you can for your body and refute paragraphs. Use keywords and phrases, not complete sentences unless they are copied and pasted from a source.

Did you miss Tuesday's large group? Click here (Links to an external site.)for the 24-minute tutorial on how to outline your research essay with Mrs. Deprey.

Your completed outline is due by midnight TONIGHT, Friday, February 12, 2016, to Canvas as a shareable link for 75 points.

If you are finished with your outline, please make a copy of your document, and then begin forming your introductory paragraph. If you do not make a copy, we will not be able to grade your outline properly. Thanks!

Funny Friday video: "I trust you" (1:48)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Outline Work Day 2

Step 1: Open your working bibliography "project" on Add sources as needed while working.

Step 2: Open your copy of the Google doc outline for the global issue debate. If you did not create one yesterday, see the Canvas assignments to make a copy, or click here to make a copy for yourself.
Step 3: Outline your ideas, citing facts and statistics, as much as you can for your body and refute paragraphs. Use keywords and phrases, not complete sentences unless they are copied and pasted from a source.

Did you miss Tuesday's large group? Click here (Links to an external site.)for the 24-minute tutorial on how to outline your research essay with Mrs. Deprey.

Your completed outline is due by midnight tomorrow, Friday, February 12, 2016, to Canvas as a shareable link for 75 points.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Outline work day 1

Sentence structure/combining corrections (short) - 10 point check (keep handout for quiz)

**Annotated works cited page minimum 3 sources due today to Canvas as a shareable link - 15 points.

Outline work day (75 points due Friday)

GOAL = Introduction complete

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How To Complete a Research Outline

This week's schedule:

Grammar sentence structure assignment due Wednesday in class on paper - 10 points (Quiz Friday)

Annotated Bibliography on your Global Issue assignment due Wednesday in class - online submission of a shareable link to Canvas - 15 points

Global Issue Outline Tutorial Video Today (Click here to watch the video.)

  • Outline assignment work time Wednesday and Thursday
  • Completed outline due Friday - online submission of a shareable link to Canvas - 75 points!

Monday, February 8, 2016

SSR Day 2 of 9

SSR day 2 reading time

SSR reflection on Canvas Discussions

Grammar sentence combining assignment on Canvas due Wed.

Annotated Bibliography due Wednesday in class!!

Motivational Monday: Mattie Stepanek - Find your heart song!

Friday, February 5, 2016

MUGS Quiz, Global Issues Topic Sign Up

Topic Research (GLOBAL ISSUE)

**Complete your works cited page by next week Wednesday on your own -- use reliable sources, and create an annotated bibliography of at least 3 sources on Cite every source that seems potentially useful. You can delete later.

Funny Friday video: The real meaning of MPH

Thursday, February 4, 2016

MUGS 4 corrections/Annotated Bibliography Intro/Refute Practice Handout

Mugshot Corrections week 4

What is an annotated bibliography?

How to: Works cited annotated bibliography. Use example marijuana debate articles to show how to cite sources.

What is a refute?
refute skills handout (time to work, then discuss)

Pull sources refute on marijuana debate example.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Introduction to Global Issues

Introduction to Global Issues

Think about a topic related to a global issue that you would be interested in researching.

Read through the massive list of topic options. This is NOT all there is!

Topics off limits: the death penalty, abortion, marijuana, underage drinking.

Monday, February 1, 2016

SSR day 1 of 9

SSR day 1 of 9

Read your book quietly during mod 1. Online timer.

Set page reading goals through March 24 (page # in book divided by 9).

Mugs 4 sentences due Wed.

Motivational Monday video: Happiness is the little things we take for granted. (1:32)