Friday, February 12, 2016


ACT Prep 1 Quiz: Sentence Structure Quiz on Canvas (5 sentences worth 2 points each). Use your notes.

Step 1: Open your working bibliography "project" on Add sources as needed while working.

Step 2: Open your copy of the Google doc outline for the global issue debate. If you did not create one yesterday, see the Canvas assignments to make a copy, or click here to make a copy for yourself.
Step 3: Outline your ideas, citing facts and statistics, as much as you can for your body and refute paragraphs. Use keywords and phrases, not complete sentences unless they are copied and pasted from a source.

Did you miss Tuesday's large group? Click here (Links to an external site.)for the 24-minute tutorial on how to outline your research essay with Mrs. Deprey.

Your completed outline is due by midnight TONIGHT, Friday, February 12, 2016, to Canvas as a shareable link for 75 points.

If you are finished with your outline, please make a copy of your document, and then begin forming your introductory paragraph. If you do not make a copy, we will not be able to grade your outline properly. Thanks!

Funny Friday video: "I trust you" (1:48)