Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Acts 4

All missing/late work is due TOMORROW for Quarter 3!

Acts IV-V vocabulary terms (24 words) AND Act III study guide due today.

Study guide for Acts 4
Goal: Read pages 132 - 163 today. Due tomorrow.

**The ancient practice of sati was when a recently widowed woman would sacrifice herself on her husband’s funeral fire by laying on it and burning alive.

FINISH the book tomorrow in class!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Antony's Speech

All missing/late work is due Thursday for Quarter 3!

Acts IV-V vocabulary terms (24 words) due Wed.

Exit question: Give ONE example of how people today manipulate others by saying good things about their friends who are wronged, using sarcasm to say those they hate are “good”, and/or giving physical evidence to prove they or their friends are better than someone else who has treated them poorly?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Finish Act 3

All missing/late work is due Thursday for Quarter 3!

SSR TODAY for 25 mins., but NO REFLECTION.

Graphic novels Finish Act III. Pages 111 -131 with study guide. Questions 30-56

Turn in ACT 3 study guide TODAY!!

Acts IV-V vocabulary terms (24 words) due Wed.

Add caption
Welcome Alistair Charles Mathys! Born March 16.
7 pounds, 9 ounces, and 19.5 inches long.  He and mom are doing fantastic!

Displaying image1.jpeg

Friday, March 18, 2016

Julius Caesar's death, Bullying Experiment

All missing/late work is due next Thursday for Quarter 3!

Watch Julius Caesar ROME version of the assassination (3:13) Observations? How much was this an assassination vs. a butchering?
What were bystanders doing?

What should bystanders be doing today?
**What if someone had stepped in to stop the assassination of Julius Caesar? If you are not part of the solution of helping people in trouble, then you are part of the problem.
Funny Friday video: "Ted Cruz -- A Bad Lip Reading"

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Quiz, Act 3

All missing/late work is due next Thursday for Quarter 3!

Quiz Act 1 & 2 Review on Canvas - open notes from Act 2

Vocab for Act 3 due today at 11:59 pm! Don't forget to add in corrections to Vocab 1 & 2 for full points!!

Hate Caesar as Mean Girls video (0:28)

Graphic novels Read Act III. Pages 88 -131 with study guide

READING GOAL = Up to question 30 on page 2

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Vocab through Act 3 due tomorrow on same document as Acts 1-2.

Turn in Act 1 study guide if you still have it.

Review yesterday's categories for the survey. Turn in your survey handout with your top 3 categories listed today.

TONE = Stormy

FINISH reading -- Julius Caesar Act 2 study guide handout for pages 68-87.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Act 1 recap -- Sooo, what happened so far? Watch this video up to (4:15) Questions??

Please use your completed survey!

Vocabulary for Act 3 through "arbours" (page 3 of the packet already submitted to Canvas) is due Thursday, March 17. **Check your Vocab for Acts 1-2 and make corrections (add parts of speech and complete all words) by Thursday as well for points!!!

Monday, March 14, 2016

SSR reflection 5: Media Connections

What is something in the news that relates to an event in your book? Search key words on Google news if you can not think of a specific story. Attach a link to an article. Explain how they relate in 5-7 sentences.

Student Leadership Traits survey (handout). Bring your completed survey to large group completed tomorrow!

Motivational Monday video “When” (2:24)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Act 1 Recap
  • Rome is split between love and hate for Caesar. This foreshadows future Civil War.
  • Cassius tries to persuade Brutus (who is widely respected) to join the conspiracy by describing the ways Caesar is weak. We also learn he has epilepsy and had a seizure due to the stress of being offered a crown by Antony.
  • A king is not desirable in a democracy.
  • Many signs foreshadow evil events to come.

Julius Caesar Act 2 study guide handout for pages 46-67. (Will finish Act 2 next week Wed…) Meet the women...

Funny Fri: Los Angeles cold temperatures

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Vocab 1 due today to Canvas

iMovie Caesar video intro.

Hand out graphic novels & study guides

Look at Manga book format together  briefly.

Read independently today with study guide handout act 1 for pages 12 - 45.
You must finish in class or read online!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Caesar Vocab Handout on Canvas 
Complete through page 2 by Thursday, March 10. Submit as a shareable link.

Monday, March 7, 2016

SSR Post Week 4

SSR 1st mod

SSR Week 4 discussion post: 
REPLY thoughtfully in complete sentences to 2 different posts from last week for 5 points. Then, WRITE a 5-7 sentence paragraph that focuses on this prompt: Write about your author's style. Observe how the book is set up. How is this book similar to or different from other books you have read? Does this author remind you of another author? Are there are long or short sentences? What is the level of vocabulary in this book? What is the level of suspense in this book? Could you write like your author if you tried?

Motivational Monday: "Be grateful for what you have."

Pulaski News Information

Friday, March 4, 2016

Persuasive Techniques Test

Persuasive Techniques Test --- You should go to a party with me!

Take your quiz on Canvas

How is your grade right now? 
Check for any missing assignments!

Funny Friday

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Candy bar debate

Persuasive techniques test tomorrow is open notes. Match the type of argument to its example. Click here to study reasons why you should go to a party!

Candy bar debate!

Everyone present will earn participation points for today. If you do not participate well, your individual point total will decrease. Winners earn a candy bar of choice. Orders will be taken at the end of the hour.

1. Log on to a Chromebook, and open your debate chart.
2. Determine as a team your TOP 3 ARGUMENTS.

3. Write your 3 best arguments on the front white board on your side of the room.

4. Spokesperson prepares what they will say about each argument with a 30-second time limit.
Each solid, fact-based argument = 1 point
Your teacher will take notes.

5. Coin flip for who begins.
The order will go: 
PRO 1 - Refute - Comment 
PRO 2 - Refute - Comment 
PRO 3 - Refute - Comment
Switch teams, and repeat.

6. One-minute closing statement by a spokesperson from each team. Whoever started goes first.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Community Service Day!

Have an amazing day, and be ready to debate your candy bar tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Online Learning Day!

Click here for the document to complete your debate preparation.
Make a copy for yourself.
Find out in class which side you will support as your "pro".
Submit a shareable link when you are finished.
Be prepared to WIN!