Thursday, March 3, 2016

Candy bar debate

Persuasive techniques test tomorrow is open notes. Match the type of argument to its example. Click here to study reasons why you should go to a party!

Candy bar debate!

Everyone present will earn participation points for today. If you do not participate well, your individual point total will decrease. Winners earn a candy bar of choice. Orders will be taken at the end of the hour.

1. Log on to a Chromebook, and open your debate chart.
2. Determine as a team your TOP 3 ARGUMENTS.

3. Write your 3 best arguments on the front white board on your side of the room.

4. Spokesperson prepares what they will say about each argument with a 30-second time limit.
Each solid, fact-based argument = 1 point
Your teacher will take notes.

5. Coin flip for who begins.
The order will go: 
PRO 1 - Refute - Comment 
PRO 2 - Refute - Comment 
PRO 3 - Refute - Comment
Switch teams, and repeat.

6. One-minute closing statement by a spokesperson from each team. Whoever started goes first.