Monday, November 30, 2015

Review To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1

Reminder: Keep reading your choice book. Finish at least one book (preferably two) by January 4th!

Reminder: Walk in someone’s shoes assignment sign up for your idea and date next week, predict, and research.

How was your break?

Motivational Monday video: Mrs. Jones Project

Review vocabulary terms chapters 1-10 Quizlet on Canvas.

To Kill a Mockingbird PART 1 TEST TUESDAY

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Walk in Someone's Shoes Assignment Intro.

Walk in Someone's Shoes assignment handout

Assignment Model:

1.A. Research

1.B. Predict
Brainstorm possible issues.

2. During 
Example: Video "Blind for a Day by Dana" (7 mins.)

3. Reflect
What did the man in the video say at the end?

4. Compare
 Example - Chapter 11 Mrs. Dubose Prezi

All due by Friday, December 18 - 100 points

Funny Tuesday: "A Thanksgiving Miracle" SNL (3:47)

Monday, November 23, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 11

Review chapter 10 main points with Kahoot and colored sticks.

Finish Part 1 of TKM Chapter 11

  • What are the lessons about "real courage"?
  • What might Mrs. Dubose's white flowers symbolize?
  • Can good and evil coexist in one person?

Personal Narrative Grades: What is one goal for improvement on the next paper?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 9

Quiz on Canvas chapters 7-8 - 20 points

Chapter 9 - Sometimes family members don't understand our choices. Some of the miscommunication is because adults need to learn how to talk to kids: "Interview with a one-year-old"
**Read ch. 9 text/audio (37 mins.), and take the bonus quiz for 5 extra points.

Chapter 10 preview for tomorrow: 
  • How dangerous is a rabid animal?
  • What happens to rabies victims?
Watch the first 20 minutes of this video to learn the full appreciation for the danger of rabies and rabid animals.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 8

Chapter 8 (25:16)
Think while reading:

  • Unnatural occurrences
  • Snow in Alabama
  • What is Miss Maudie's attitude towards her tragedy?
  • What do we learn about Mr. Avery's character?
  • What interaction do the kids have with Boo Radley this time?

Quiz Thursday chapters 7-8 on Canvas.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7

Review chapter 6 main points:
*Dill's last day - What does this symbolize?
*Kids try to peek in the Radley window at night.
Who shots at the kids?
*Readers see how quickly people in the town judge and spread rumors. Whom do they believe broke into the Radley's backyard? What does this say about the social hierarchy and racism?
Jem would rather die than disappoint his father. What does he do at the end of the chapter?

Harper Lee's message about religion in To Kill a Mockingbird.

People continue to let religion divide them and use religious beliefs for violence/hate/revenge rather than for peace and love...

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7 (13:21)

Listen for what happened to Jem's pants.
Remember that the Radleys come from a strict religious, "foot-washing Baptist" background.
The first cruel act committed by an adult against Jem occurs in chapter 7. Innocence is diminishing...

Monday, November 16, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 6

Reminder: SSR reflection 7 was completed in class last Friday. 

Personal Narrative grades will be handed back and posted on Skyward next week! We are really enjoying your stories!

Motivational Monday video: "What I Learned About Life" (3:49)

Kahoot review of chapter 5 (respond with colored popsicle sticks)

Racism is slowly seeping into the story: 
Chap. 4 - Dill is told not to believe what Jem says because it is "nigger talk" (37).
Chap. 5 - Rumors about Boo are said to be "three-fourths colored folk" (45).

Will the kids finally leave Boo Radley alone?
What racist comments or actions take place in chapter 6?

Although we shouldn't, lying is something we do to protect our image, until we get caught...

Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 6 (18:16) listening for vocabulary terms. #RaiderBucks

If time, student production of Jem losing his pants.
click here stop video at 5:58

Friday, November 13, 2015

SSR Reflection 7

Reminder: Chapter 3-4 Quiz was yesterday. If you did not take it, please see your teacher asap.

SSR 7 reflection on Canvas: Time to complete in class

Reminder: Read on your own!

5 stereotypes of poor people and education
stereotypes of the middle class
8 biggest myths about rich people

Show survey results in pie charts. What does this say about social class stereotypes?

Funny Friday video: Bieber Week Prank

Thursday, November 12, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 5

Chapters 3 & 4: Review Main Events & Quiz on Canvas

All you need to do is look at this to see how many members of Christianity disagree...

Vocab Chapters 4-10 Review
Chapter 5 (19:56)

PLT assignment: Take the Future Goals survey on Canvas by Friday small group

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 4

Reminder: Vocabulary chapters 4-10 due today to Canvas.

Penny challenge. Indian Head Penny

Follow along with chapter 4 (20:38)
Listen for new vocabulary terms. #RaiderBucks
Quiz on chapters 3-4 tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 3

PLT work: Vocabulary chapters 4-10 due Wednesday (on Canvas)

Review of chapter 2 main points:

School is a broken system where a student like Scout, who learned to read with Atticus and write with Calpurnia, is punished. Poorer children with less opportunities for literacy repeatedly fail school and are held back each year, falling further and further behind. Teachers and students do not understand each other. Everyone loses, and society sees the consequences.

Lunch shows a hierarchy of the working upper class, middle class, and farmers. 

Follow along as we read chapter 3 (22:39).

Think: According to the novel, why is it a "sin" to kill a mockingbird? Who might already be considered a "mockingbird" character?

Monday, November 9, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 2

Reminders: Last Friday we took a quiz on chapter 1, and the "If you really knew me" Google form questions were due on Canvas. Quarter 1 is over. Please submit all late work by the end of the day because conferences are tomorrow, and the grade book is closing.

Motivational Monday - Street compliments. The power of kindness.

Kahoot chapter 1 review - Please use your own device or a Chromebook to participate.

"We don't need no education..." What was the message about education from Pink Floyd?
Think, pair, share.

When reading chapter 2, predict Harper Lee's opinion of school. 

What message is she sending to us as readers?

Read chapter 2 (17:24) of To Kill a Mockingbird.
If time, discuss the message about school in this chapter. When new information did Lee SHOW us about the town of Maycomb through the children?

Social hierarchy of the town review.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Finish chapter 1/Challenge Day

Google form survey (on Canvas) due today for "If You Really Knew Me".

Quiz on chapter 1 (Canvas)

"Challenge Day" video by MTV (10 mins.)

Funny Friday video: Driving Stereotypes with Dale Jr.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird - Character notes and chapter 1

Reminder: "If You Really Knew Me" assignment due Friday (Google form on Canvas)

To Kill a Mockingbird Character notes (Haiku Deck) with handout

Review vocabulary terms for chapters 1-3 (handout on Canvas due today)

Lit term review: What is an "exposition"?

Begin chapter 1 (the novel's exposition) listening for vocabulary terms #RaiderBucks

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Thinglink Notes

Reminder: Google form for ¨If You Really Knew Me" responses is due Friday.

Discuss all Thinglink information.

Vocab 1-3 handout on Canvas - due tomorrow

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Themes/If You Really Knew Me

Major Theme Questions of To Kill a Mockingbird handout & activity.

If You Really Knew Me (presentation)

Please complete the Google form survey by Friday, November 6.

Monday, November 2, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Major Themes

Welcome back! How was your break?

Reminder: Personal narratives submitted to Canvas and today are 10 points off. Make sure your self-revision checklist has also been turned in.

Motivational Monday video: "Our Deepest Fear" from Coach Carter (2:20)

Silent Survey: Rate 1-10 for your question. Discuss results. What does this mean?

Prior knowledge: "Feeling Good" by Nora Simone

This song was first performed by Nora Simone, an African American woman living during the middle of the Civil Rights movement. Listen to the entire song quietly. Pay close attention to the lyrics. What might the artist be saying in regards to herself in the Civil Rights movement? What do you know about life in America for African Americans before this time?

Major Theme Questions of To Kill a Mockingbird handout (on Canvas). Print this completed handout, and bring it to large group tomorrow.

PLT work to complete by Wednesday's small group: To Kill a Mockingbird
Thinglink introductory notes (on Canvas) - CLICK HERE
Watch videos together if time; otherwise, finish for Wednesday on your own.