Tuesday, November 17, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7

Review chapter 6 main points:
*Dill's last day - What does this symbolize?
*Kids try to peek in the Radley window at night.
Who shots at the kids?
*Readers see how quickly people in the town judge and spread rumors. Whom do they believe broke into the Radley's backyard? What does this say about the social hierarchy and racism?
Jem would rather die than disappoint his father. What does he do at the end of the chapter?

Harper Lee's message about religion in To Kill a Mockingbird.

People continue to let religion divide them and use religious beliefs for violence/hate/revenge rather than for peace and love...

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7 (13:21)

Listen for what happened to Jem's pants.
Remember that the Radleys come from a strict religious, "foot-washing Baptist" background.
The first cruel act committed by an adult against Jem occurs in chapter 7. Innocence is diminishing...