Monday, November 9, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 2

Reminders: Last Friday we took a quiz on chapter 1, and the "If you really knew me" Google form questions were due on Canvas. Quarter 1 is over. Please submit all late work by the end of the day because conferences are tomorrow, and the grade book is closing.

Motivational Monday - Street compliments. The power of kindness.

Kahoot chapter 1 review - Please use your own device or a Chromebook to participate.

"We don't need no education..." What was the message about education from Pink Floyd?
Think, pair, share.

When reading chapter 2, predict Harper Lee's opinion of school. 

What message is she sending to us as readers?

Read chapter 2 (17:24) of To Kill a Mockingbird.
If time, discuss the message about school in this chapter. When new information did Lee SHOW us about the town of Maycomb through the children?

Social hierarchy of the town review.