Monday, November 16, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 6

Reminder: SSR reflection 7 was completed in class last Friday. 

Personal Narrative grades will be handed back and posted on Skyward next week! We are really enjoying your stories!

Motivational Monday video: "What I Learned About Life" (3:49)

Kahoot review of chapter 5 (respond with colored popsicle sticks)

Racism is slowly seeping into the story: 
Chap. 4 - Dill is told not to believe what Jem says because it is "nigger talk" (37).
Chap. 5 - Rumors about Boo are said to be "three-fourths colored folk" (45).

Will the kids finally leave Boo Radley alone?
What racist comments or actions take place in chapter 6?

Although we shouldn't, lying is something we do to protect our image, until we get caught...

Read To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 6 (18:16) listening for vocabulary terms. #RaiderBucks

If time, student production of Jem losing his pants.
click here stop video at 5:58