Thursday, December 3, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 13

Reminders: You should now be signed up for your "Walk in someone’s shoes assignment" assignment on the door outside your TOR's classroom. Click here for ideas. You will be assigned a task and date if you do not choose one. You will be contacted if you chose a questionable project.

Now, it's time to write your first paragraph on a self-created Google doc. Answer all of the following questions in paragraph one: What do you plan to do? What do you already know about this lifestyle? Include information from your research of what this lifestyle is like. Predict what your experience might be like based on your research. What challenges might you face during the day? 

Vocabulary 11-15 assignment on Canvas due yesterday by 11:59 pm. Today it is one day late.

Review the new vocabulary terms for chapters 11-15.

Discuss chapter 12 using the study guide questions plus the following: 
These are real signs from Montgomery, Alabama in 1931.

What are signs of Jem growing up? 
How is the black community different from whites? 
How do the black church members treat Jem and Scout? (This is the first time the kids experience racism towards THEM.)
What do you think the white community do if black children walked into their church?

Current Event: Who is burning black churches?

Read chapter 13 (18:28) in class while completing your study guide.

PLT work: Read chapters 14-15 by Monday, and answer all study guide questions (pages 135-155). On Monday there will be a quiz.