Monday, December 7, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 16

Reminder: Finish your choice book by Monday, January 4 for the SSR project. Reflection 8 was completed in class last Friday.

Reminder: Get your ¨Walk in someone's shoes¨ handout signed as you complete your project in the next week. You will be contacted by your TOR if you did not sign up. Complete paragraphs two and three of the writing on your Google doc under your prediction paragraph once your day is complete. 

Paragraph 2: What was your experience like? What happened that stood out throughout the day? What was most difficult? What emotions were you feeling?

Paragraph 3: What did you learn from this experience? How did your predictions and research compare to the actual experience? Do you think you got an effective experience in this new lifestyle? What would you do differently next time? If this was your actual life, how would your life be different?

Motivational Monday video "The Science of Happiness"

People often miss their childhood like Scout missed Dill.
The lynch mob of chapter 15
Canvas quiz for chapters 14-15 of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Discuss study guide questions and main ideas for chapters 14-15 (handouts collected at the end of the unit).
Flashback to all types of town's people. Where are Scout and Jem sitting in chapter 16?

Read chapter 16 (21:54) in class.  
What is Bob Ewell's story?

PLT work all due by Wednesday: Read Bob Ewell's testimony in chapter 17 (29:01) on your own (up to page 178) with study guide questions BEFORE your Wednesday small group. 

Vocabulary for chapters 16-21 by Dec. 9th at 11:59 pm on Canvas.