Wednesday, December 16, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 25-26

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

*Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are all due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18!

Chapter 24: Hypocrite Alert!
  • Scout listens to the missionary circle first discuss the plight of the poor Mrunas, a benighted African tribe being converted to Christianity, and then talk about how their own black servants have behaved badly ever since Tom Robinson’s trial. 
  • Tom Robinson attempted to escape prison and was fatally shot seventeen times. 
  • Alexandra asks Miss Maudie how the town can allow Atticus to wreck himself in pursuit of justice. Maudie replies that the town trusts him to do right. 
  • They return with Scout to the missionary circle, managing to act as if nothing is wrong.
Read chapters 25-26 in class with your study guide.
Read chapter 27 on your own for tomorrow (audio on Canvas) and complete the study guide. There will be a quiz on chapters 23-27 at the beginning of Thursday's class (open notes).