Monday, December 21, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 29-31

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16. Semester project coming soon!

*Walk in Someone's Shoes Project writing and signature sheet was due last Friday.

Motivational Monday video:

Both Muslim and a survivor of terrorism in Pakistan -- Malala Yousafzai knows a thing or two about both subjects. Amazingly, she survived an assassination attempt as a teenager when she was shot in the face by Taliban on her walk to school. She is the world's youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner, earning the award at age 17, for her work to improve Pakistan's women's education rights and has been fighting ever since age 11 to find equal rights for all people worldwide. (Scroll down the link for the video.)

Recall chapter 28 important details. Who died? How? Who killed them?

FINISH THE BOOK TODAY! Read chapters 29-31 (32 minutes). Fill out your study guide today, and use it on the test tomorrow.

What were the overall themes?

Which character do you think Harper Lee was?

TEST TOMORROW OF PART 2 IN LARGE GROUP. You may use your study guide questions. You will need to review 30 vocabulary terms for the test from chapters 12-31. See links below: 

Chapters 11-15
Chapters 16-21
Chapters 22-31