Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Make Up Work Today

Make up missing work and/or yesterday's test today.

Candy Canes

Motivational Christmas video

Funny Christmas videos: Jimmy Kimmel "I gave my kid a horrible present", Santa Claus Remi Gaillard, Funny Christmas Fails, West Jet Christmas Flash Mob

Have a wonderful break!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz Part 2

Take the quiz entitled "To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz Part 2" on Canvas.

Use your study guide notes during the test, and turn it in after the test to your TOR's basket for 136 points.

Make sure you have made up all work before break. SSR Projects Begin 1/4/16!

Monday, December 21, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 29-31

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16. Semester project coming soon!

*Walk in Someone's Shoes Project writing and signature sheet was due last Friday.

Motivational Monday video:

Both Muslim and a survivor of terrorism in Pakistan -- Malala Yousafzai knows a thing or two about both subjects. Amazingly, she survived an assassination attempt as a teenager when she was shot in the face by Taliban on her walk to school. She is the world's youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner, earning the award at age 17, for her work to improve Pakistan's women's education rights and has been fighting ever since age 11 to find equal rights for all people worldwide. (Scroll down the link for the video.)

Recall chapter 28 important details. Who died? How? Who killed them?

FINISH THE BOOK TODAY! Read chapters 29-31 (32 minutes). Fill out your study guide today, and use it on the test tomorrow.

What were the overall themes?

Which character do you think Harper Lee was?

TEST TOMORROW OF PART 2 IN LARGE GROUP. You may use your study guide questions. You will need to review 30 vocabulary terms for the test from chapters 12-31. See links below: 

Chapters 11-15
Chapters 16-21
Chapters 22-31

Friday, December 18, 2015

Walk in Someone's Shoes project due today!!!

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

*Yesterday there was a quiz on Canvas chapters 23-27 multiple choice, open study guide notes.

*Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are all due TODAY! 100 points! This is the writing portion of your assessment for this unit!

Funny Friday video/s: #worstgifteverTwas the night before Christmas with Tracy Morgan, Jeffery Dallas Christmas Medley

Thursday, December 17, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 27-28

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

*Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are all due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18!

Quiz on Canvas chapters 23-27 multiple choice, open study guide notes.

Review study guide questions for chapters 23-27.

Read chapter 28  starting on page 254 in class while answering the study guide questions (27:27).
Scout and Jem attend the Halloween pageant.

Bob Ewell lurks in the shadows...The struggle is real.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 25-26

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

*Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are all due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18!

Chapter 24: Hypocrite Alert!
  • Scout listens to the missionary circle first discuss the plight of the poor Mrunas, a benighted African tribe being converted to Christianity, and then talk about how their own black servants have behaved badly ever since Tom Robinson’s trial. 
  • Tom Robinson attempted to escape prison and was fatally shot seventeen times. 
  • Alexandra asks Miss Maudie how the town can allow Atticus to wreck himself in pursuit of justice. Maudie replies that the town trusts him to do right. 
  • They return with Scout to the missionary circle, managing to act as if nothing is wrong.
Read chapters 25-26 in class with your study guide.
Read chapter 27 on your own for tomorrow (audio on Canvas) and complete the study guide. There will be a quiz on chapters 23-27 at the beginning of Thursday's class (open notes).

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Walk in Someone's Shoes today: Creative Writing partner assignment

*Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

*Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18!

*Vocabulary terms for chapters 22-31 (assignment due last night 11:59 pm)

*Read chapter 24 on your own (25:46) pages 227-237 with the study guide by Wednesday.

Walk in Someone's Shoes today: Creative Writing partner activity

Check out the app that shows you the life of a refugee. It stressed me out!

Monday, December 14, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 21-24

Reminder: Finish your choice book by 1/4/16.

Reminder: Walk in Someone's Shoes project should be done. Reflect on your experience and compare it to To Kill a Mockingbird when Scout and Jem had to understand other characters. All 4-5 paragraphs are due FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18!

Motivational Monday: Rubin "Hurricane" Carter Interview

Quiz for chapters 21-22 on Canvas

Review study guide questions for chapters 21-22.

Review vocabulary terms for chapters 22-31 (assignment due on Canvas by 11:59 pm today)

Read chapter 23 in class (23:11) pages 217-227.

Read chapter 24 on your own (25:46) pages 227-237 with the study guide by Wednesday.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Discuss chapters 18-20

No SSR reflection today.

Discuss chapters 18-20 main points with study guide.

Read chapters 21-22 (pages 206-217) by Monday while filling out the study guide. Audio on Canvas. How does the trial end?

Complete vocabulary chapters 22-31 on Canvas by Monday at 11:59 pm.

Friday video "Looks Can Be Deceiving

Thursday, December 10, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 19

15 minutes: Complete a handout of questions after reading an article (click here) about current issues regarding the American justice system, Bob Ewell's testimony, and Mayella Ewell's testimony (in pairs or small groups). Turn in your handout when finished.

Rubin "Hurricane" Carter's story (6:47)

Read chapter 19 (25:31) in class (Tom Robinson's testimony) pages 190-199. Answer study guide questions while listening.

PLT Work: Read chapter 20 (no audio) on your own for Friday with study guide questions (pages 199-206).

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 17-18

Yesterday's chrome book discussion in large group was a SIMULATION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Everyone should be innocent until proven guilty, and their side should be heard fairly without bias; however, that is often not the case in court. Hopefully, you were able to experience the emotion that goes along with blame, even if it is for something that you DIDN'T do.

Quiz for chapters 16-17 cancelled.

Review chapters 16-17 testimony main events with the study guide questions.

Review vocab chapters 16-21Complete the vocabulary assignment on Canvas by 11:59 pm for these 10 new term
Read chapter 18 for Thursday’s class on your own with study guide questions (Mayella’s testimony) pages 178-189. Audio is on Canvas.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Scottsboro Boys' Trial

PLT work all due by Wednesday
Read Bob Ewell's testimony in chapter 17 (29:01) on your own (up to page 178) with study guide questions BEFORE your Wednesday small group. 

Vocabulary for chapters 16-21 by Dec. 9th at 11:59 pm on Canvas.

Discuss chrome book issue.

Scottsboro Boys' Trial (the case on which To Kill a Mockingbird is based):

Monday, December 7, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 16

Reminder: Finish your choice book by Monday, January 4 for the SSR project. Reflection 8 was completed in class last Friday.

Reminder: Get your ¨Walk in someone's shoes¨ handout signed as you complete your project in the next week. You will be contacted by your TOR if you did not sign up. Complete paragraphs two and three of the writing on your Google doc under your prediction paragraph once your day is complete. 

Paragraph 2: What was your experience like? What happened that stood out throughout the day? What was most difficult? What emotions were you feeling?

Paragraph 3: What did you learn from this experience? How did your predictions and research compare to the actual experience? Do you think you got an effective experience in this new lifestyle? What would you do differently next time? If this was your actual life, how would your life be different?

Motivational Monday video "The Science of Happiness"

People often miss their childhood like Scout missed Dill.
The lynch mob of chapter 15
Canvas quiz for chapters 14-15 of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Discuss study guide questions and main ideas for chapters 14-15 (handouts collected at the end of the unit).
Flashback to all types of town's people. Where are Scout and Jem sitting in chapter 16?

Read chapter 16 (21:54) in class.  
What is Bob Ewell's story?

PLT work all due by Wednesday: Read Bob Ewell's testimony in chapter 17 (29:01) on your own (up to page 178) with study guide questions BEFORE your Wednesday small group. 

Vocabulary for chapters 16-21 by Dec. 9th at 11:59 pm on Canvas.

Friday, December 4, 2015

SSR Reflection 8

Reminders: Keep reading your choice book! Finish by 1/4/16.

Walk in someone's shoes: Write your first paragraph for your project on your own Google doc (all paragraphs collected Dec. 18th). Review the signature sheet. You will be assigned a project next week if you did not sign up. click here for ideas

Funny Friday video: Patience Test (1:26) Part 2 (2:48)

Read for the first 10 minutes: SSR book or TKM.

SSR reflection 8 on Canvas - complete in class.

Read chapter 14 (22:18) - chapter 15 (24:58) by Monday with study guide questions (book pages 135-155). Quiz Monday!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 13

Reminders: You should now be signed up for your "Walk in someone’s shoes assignment" assignment on the door outside your TOR's classroom. Click here for ideas. You will be assigned a task and date if you do not choose one. You will be contacted if you chose a questionable project.

Now, it's time to write your first paragraph on a self-created Google doc. Answer all of the following questions in paragraph one: What do you plan to do? What do you already know about this lifestyle? Include information from your research of what this lifestyle is like. Predict what your experience might be like based on your research. What challenges might you face during the day? 

Vocabulary 11-15 assignment on Canvas due yesterday by 11:59 pm. Today it is one day late.

Review the new vocabulary terms for chapters 11-15.

Discuss chapter 12 using the study guide questions plus the following: 
These are real signs from Montgomery, Alabama in 1931.

What are signs of Jem growing up? 
How is the black community different from whites? 
How do the black church members treat Jem and Scout? (This is the first time the kids experience racism towards THEM.)
What do you think the white community do if black children walked into their church?

Current Event: Who is burning black churches?

Read chapter 13 (18:28) in class while completing your study guide.

PLT work: Read chapters 14-15 by Monday, and answer all study guide questions (pages 135-155). On Monday there will be a quiz.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

TKM chapter 12

Reminder: Walk in someone’s shoes assignment sign up DUE by 3:00 TODAY on your TOR's door. Click here for ideas!

Vocabulary handout for chapters 11-15 is DUE by 11:59 pm TODAY.

Part 2 TKM: Start reading chapter 12 (26:35)in class, and finish chapter 12 on your own with study guide questions. 

Audio posted on Canvas. Feel free to borrow a book.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Test Part 1 TKM

Reminder: Sign up for what you will do to walk in someone's shoes by tomorrow at 3:00 on your TOR teacher's door for pre-approval. If you do not sign up, you will be assigned an experience. Click here for ideas!

Test on Canvas (35 multiple choice questions) for part one of To Kill a Mockingbird and vocabulary terms chapters 1-10. Use your test review handout.

PLT work: Vocabulary chapters 11-15 handout due to Canvas by tomorrow at 11:59 pm.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Review To Kill a Mockingbird Part 1

Reminder: Keep reading your choice book. Finish at least one book (preferably two) by January 4th!

Reminder: Walk in someone’s shoes assignment sign up for your idea and date next week, predict, and research.

How was your break?

Motivational Monday video: Mrs. Jones Project

Review vocabulary terms chapters 1-10 Quizlet on Canvas.

To Kill a Mockingbird PART 1 TEST TUESDAY

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Walk in Someone's Shoes Assignment Intro.

Walk in Someone's Shoes assignment handout

Assignment Model:

1.A. Research

1.B. Predict
Brainstorm possible issues.

2. During 
Example: Video "Blind for a Day by Dana" (7 mins.)

3. Reflect
What did the man in the video say at the end?

4. Compare
 Example - Chapter 11 Mrs. Dubose Prezi

All due by Friday, December 18 - 100 points

Funny Tuesday: "A Thanksgiving Miracle" SNL (3:47)

Monday, November 23, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 11

Review chapter 10 main points with Kahoot and colored sticks.

Finish Part 1 of TKM Chapter 11

  • What are the lessons about "real courage"?
  • What might Mrs. Dubose's white flowers symbolize?
  • Can good and evil coexist in one person?

Personal Narrative Grades: What is one goal for improvement on the next paper?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 9

Quiz on Canvas chapters 7-8 - 20 points

Chapter 9 - Sometimes family members don't understand our choices. Some of the miscommunication is because adults need to learn how to talk to kids: "Interview with a one-year-old"
**Read ch. 9 text/audio (37 mins.), and take the bonus quiz for 5 extra points.

Chapter 10 preview for tomorrow: 
  • How dangerous is a rabid animal?
  • What happens to rabies victims?
Watch the first 20 minutes of this video to learn the full appreciation for the danger of rabies and rabid animals.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 8

Chapter 8 (25:16)
Think while reading:

  • Unnatural occurrences
  • Snow in Alabama
  • What is Miss Maudie's attitude towards her tragedy?
  • What do we learn about Mr. Avery's character?
  • What interaction do the kids have with Boo Radley this time?

Quiz Thursday chapters 7-8 on Canvas.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7

Review chapter 6 main points:
*Dill's last day - What does this symbolize?
*Kids try to peek in the Radley window at night.
Who shots at the kids?
*Readers see how quickly people in the town judge and spread rumors. Whom do they believe broke into the Radley's backyard? What does this say about the social hierarchy and racism?
Jem would rather die than disappoint his father. What does he do at the end of the chapter?

Harper Lee's message about religion in To Kill a Mockingbird.

People continue to let religion divide them and use religious beliefs for violence/hate/revenge rather than for peace and love...

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 7 (13:21)

Listen for what happened to Jem's pants.
Remember that the Radleys come from a strict religious, "foot-washing Baptist" background.
The first cruel act committed by an adult against Jem occurs in chapter 7. Innocence is diminishing...